What is osteopathy?
Osteopathy focuses on stimulating the body’s own healing mechanisms. An osteopath will focus on three systems:
- Parietal: muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, tendons
- Visceral: organs
- Vegetative: nervous system
A few indications:
- General check-up: Also healthy horses can benefit from a yearly osteopathic check-up. It may be useful after a rest period, during the competition season or you would simply like to treat your horse!
- Movement problems: Limping, stiffness
- Medical problems: Lameness, vascular of lymphatic problems
- (Sudden) riding problems: Stiffness during riding, difficult gallop, difficult side bending, issues with flying changes
- Behavioural changes: Sudden behavioural changes, sensitive during tacking up, sensitive face, ears etc.
- Hormonal changes: Sudden mood changes, fertility problems, checkup after delivery (1 month post delivery)
- Organ support: Stomach support, liver support (also important after deworming)